Hi all!
I am so thrilled to report that it is a breezy 79 this morning! Yesterday and today we have had the air off and windows open. I swear there is nothing like fresh air and a great breeze blowing through the house. Light a pumpkin scented candle and I'm in heaven. I spent the afternoon yesterday working on 3 different fall crafts that I thought I would share with you all here today.
The first is a sheet music wreath. I got the idea from Sweet Savannah's blog found here. I purchased or had all the items for a total of $5. The wreath is from the dollar store, 2 sheet music books were a total of $.40 at a thrift store, and the ribbon was $2.50 at Michael's. I already owned the glue gun and sticks.
I decided to dye some of the pages in tea to give them a more antiqued look. To be honest it didn't really work and a lot of them fell apart so I'm not sure I would recommend it as it just ended up being a hassle. However if you want to simply fill the sink or a large bowl with hot water and a tea bag and soak your pages until they achieve the desired aged color then let them dry.
The next step, or the first step if you're not aging your pages is to fold a single sheet of music into thirds and hot glue it to the wreath like in the picture below. I didn't actually glue it to the wreath but glued the paper to itself, if that makes sense.
I then repeated this until the whole wreath was covered. I then repeated 2 more times to create a layered look. As I went around the second time I didn't fold the paper into thirds as crisply so it would fan out a bit and create dimension.
Here is the final product with 3 layers of sheet music. I hung it over the mirror in our living room.
I think it's a cute project for only $5!
My next project was to create new fall pillow covers for my very summery blue and white pillows. I have been on the hunt for fabric and while I found a few things I loved, I really wanted to keep this project as inexpensive as possible. While in Target on Monday it hit me that I could use napkins and dishtowels to create my pillows. I bought 1 set of napkins (right) and 2 sets of dishtowels.
I had to use 2 of each to make the front and back of my pillows because they are around 16x16 or 18x18. I simply measured the size, pinned, sewed, cut off the excess, added the pillow form to the unsewn side and then sewed them up by hand.
Here is the final product (please excuse the wrinkles on the couch)
Not too shabby for $25 and please notice the use of purple as I have declared my love for it here.
This last project doesn't have a tutorial but since it's pretty and a good deal I thought I would share it anyway. While in Michael's to get ribbon I found the white pitcher 80% off for only $1.40, the fall leaves for $2, and the other fall cattail greenery for $3. Not too bad for under $7!

Three easy and inexpensive projects to add a bit of fall to any home!
Have a great day!
Love the vibrant colors!
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