I am back today to show before and after pics of the guest room with the new end tables. This is a room that we have spent little money and attention on so far. The bed was Jacob's from before we got married and was the inspiration for the room in making a more masculine room than what I typically do. I bought the duvet on super sale at Target, but it is back and full price again. Weird. The blue blanket was cheap from IKEA and the frames are from Wally World with a butterfly calendar in them.
Before Pics
This angle is from the door:

I forgot to add I got the lamps on super clearance at Target a few months ago.
After Pics:
The new end tables and the matching lamps definitely are starting to create a cohesive look.
Still to do:
- Paint the room-I'm wavering between a light tan and a darker warmer tan
- Get a dust ruffle
- Get something for over the bed
- Curtains
- Potentially change out the butterfly art. I love it but I need something to take up more space visually. Maybe a leaning mirror near the door?!
We are coming along!

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